Diary Date 22nd February 2015
An amazing evening, we might not have seen the parade the right way, but we did travel by all modes of transport and saw a lot of the city. Loved it all, especially my crazy family, but my knees are killing me. With Joe, Chantelle, Meghan, Jasmin, Heidi, Brian, Bianca, Errolyne and Michael.
Cruising the harbour from Mosman to Circular Quay via Ferry. Then Bus up to St James.
On Foot walking the back streets of the parade set up avoiding road closures heading to Hay Market, realising the roads were closed, so it was more walking back to Town Hall and Under the underground passageways to the other side.
By this stage nightfall has hit and the lights were amazing - we saw the same dragon, flames and fireworks over and over in our trek to get to China Town still hitting road closures.
Before walking in to this amazing Noodle house that perhaps in a year of Sundays we would never have entered and we enjoyed the best meal of dumplings, noodles and pancakes ever.
And it all started because I wanted to see the Terracotta Warrior Lanterns... and this is the best we got, from the ferry, late and blurry - but oh well it was an amazingly filled unorganised (read spontaneous) night of fun with my crazy family and i loved every bit!!!

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