After waking with a shocker migraine at 6am - yes I am still waking with the birds. I decided I was only going to shake it with a visit back to bed, so no early tea, just straight back under the covers. at around 9.30am I awoke, with at least a slight ease in the throb - OK it's hormones just deal with it.
I am still trying to stick with the Organised Housewife, well trying!!! So today, instead of the plan, I worked on my presents cupboard, sorted and sifted and gifted on just because I could and made a couple of kids up the road happy after school this afternoon. Other than that not much happened around here.
Although I did drool, over the latest Homespun magazine in the sun and enjoy a cuppa listening to my trickling dry river bed - yes it's super soothing!!
So this afternoon, I have pulled out my Tilda fabrics and I am going to cut into them tomorrow, just for me and maybe somebody special - that Hexi Runner has my name on it!!!
And I have been trying to get myself sorted on this next Love Quilt - so I did pick and cut the binding and pin on the label ready to hit the machine and stitch tomorrow.
What did you do today???
Shame bout the migraine, but gorgeous fabrics